Illinois Housing Development Authority (IHDA) has extended the application deadline for the Illinois Homeowner Assistance Fund (ILHAF) beyond its planned closure date of Tuesday, Jan. 31, 2023.
ILHAF program funding remains available, and there is no set closing date at this time. IHDA will provide ample notification prior to the closing of the application portal. IHDA encourages you to make your local homeowners aware that the program has been extended, and can provide up to $60,000 in assistance to Illinois homeowners.
We welcome your support to raise awareness of this critical program and encourage you to use and share the ILHAF digital program materials. Please visit the ILHAF Resources Toolkit to access ILHAF program materials, which are available in both English and Spanish.
Lastly, IHDA has added more webinars to help your constituents navigate the ILHAF application process. You can find a schedule here, under "ILHAF Information Sessions."
Court-Based Rental Assistance Program
In addition, IHDA is still administering and accepting applications through the Court-Based Rental Assistance Program that provides funding to Illinois tenants and landlords across the state (outside of Cook County) who have pending cases in eviction court.
Eligible applicants may qualify for up to $25,000 in emergency rental payments that can include up to 15 months of past-due rent and 3 months of future rent payments to prevent eviction. Outreach and marketing materials for the CBRAP program are here.
Please encourage your local renters and borrowers to visit, where they can find information on the emergency housing assistance programs available to them as they recover from the pandemic.
If you have any questions, please get in touch with our dedicated help team at the following phone number and emails: