Illinois Bankers PAC FAQs

I already pay IBA dues. Why should I make an additional contribution to Illinois Bankers PAC?

By law, the only money that the IBA can donate to candidates is from money voluntarily donated by our members and their affiliates to Illinois Bankers PAC.

I already make direct contributions to candidates. Why should I make an additional contribution to Illinois Bankers PAC?

Your contribution to Illinois Bankers PAC is pooled with those from other bankers, creating a stronger impact for our industry.

What does Illinois Bankers PAC do with my contribution?

100% of your contribution goes to support candidates who express a positive commitment toward the banking industry. Administrative expenses are covered by the IBA.

How are candidates selected?

Illinois Bankers PAC provides financial support to candidates who express a positive commitment toward the banking industry in their districts. Other important considerations are voting records, positions of leadership, and committee assignments, regardless of party affiliation. Candidates may be incumbents or challengers.

How can my bank reach our “fair share” or “rock star” contribution level?

Your bank’s contributions can be reached through your banking organization’s total contributions, your officers, directors and employees’ individual contributions, and a combination of both.

Can a state bank make a corporate contribution?

Yes. Illinois Bankers PAC encourages state bank corporate contributions. However, corporate contributions can only be allocated to state or local candidates.

Can a national bank make a corporate contribution?*

NO. The National Bank Act prohibits national banks from making corporate contributions. However, a national bank’s PAC, the holding company, and its officers, directors, and employees may contribute to Illinois Bankers PAC.

What are the state and federal contribution limits covering donations to Illinois Bankers PAC?

Under state law per calendar year, an individual may contribute up to $12,000 to a political action committee like Illinois Bankers PAC, a corporation may contribute up to $24,000 to Illinois Bankers PAC, and another political action committee may contribute up to $59,900 to Illinois Bankers PAC. Under federal law per calendar year, an individual may contribute up to $5,000 to Illinois Bankers PAC, and a political action committee may contribute up to $5,000 to Illinois Bankers PAC. Contributions to the IBA’s administrative fund to offset indirect fundraising costs do not apply to contribution limits.

How are contributions to Illinois Bankers PAC applied?

All contributions received from a state bank or from a bank holding company will be applied to the Illinois Bankers PAC “state fund.” Contributions received from individuals may be applied to either the Illinois Bankers PAC “state fund” or the Illinois Bankers PAC “federal fund.”

What ethical standards apply?

All Illinois Bankers PAC contributions are strictly reported and are a matter of public record to the Federal Election Commission (FEC) and the State Board of Elections. All contributions to ILLINNOIS BANKPAC must be voluntary, and all individuals have the right to refuse to contribute without any reprisal.

A copy of our report filed with the State Board of Elections is (or will be) available on the Board’s official website ( or for purchase from the State Board of Elections, Springfield, Illinois. All contributions to Illinois Bankers PAC are voluntary. You may refuse to contribute without reprisal. Contributions to Illinois Bankers PAC are not tax deductible.