Each year, the Herbert V. Prochnow Educational Foundation awards GSB scholarships based on admission requirements as determined by the IBA. Each scholarship covers approximately one-third of the annual cost with the institution responsible for the remaining amount of this three year program. Established in 1983 as a supporting organization to the GSB, the foundation supports research in banking education, and sponsors a number of educational programs and activities. The Wisconsin School of Business’ Center for Professional and Executive Development has partnered with GSB-Wisconsin to provide the prestigious Certificate of Executive Leadership to GSB graduates upon completion of the rigorous program. GSB Admission Requirements Officers of FDIC-insured banks or savings institutions with five years of banking experience, as well as a four-year college degree or four additional years of relevant experience. State and federal financial institution regulatory officials and bank directors with educational background and experience comparable to that required of bank officers. Non-officer bank or savings institution employees who are performing officer-level functions will be considered (letter of recommendation from chief executive officer required). Professionals from other financial service institutions and from firms providing services to banks with educational and experience backgrounds comparable to that required of bank officers will be considered. Default Page Applicant Profile Full Name This field is required This field needs to be a valid value Title This field is required This field needs to be a valid value Financial Institution Name This field is required This field needs to be a valid value Email Address This field is required Email Address needs to be a valid email address. Telephone Number This field is required This field needs to be a valid value Nice try spambot Education History List Colleges and Universities Attended | Major & Degree This field is required List Education Activities This field is required Nice try spambot Career Experience Years in Banking This field is required This field needs to be a valid value List Current and Former Positions This field is required List Industry & Community Involvement Activites This field is required How did you learn about GSB? Supervisor Electronic Newsletter Promotional Flyer Website Other This field is required If someone recommended you for this scholarship, please list their name. This field is required This field needs to be a valid value Nice try spambot